October 17, 2024


Celebrating X-Men Films And Beyond

Comics: 10 Most Interesting X-MEN Stories Of All Time

By guest contributor Tim Colley

While the Avengers may seem like the best group of superheroes in the comic book history, X-man are still the greatest team for many people. Acclaimed and extremely talented people like Chris Claremont, Brian Michael Bendis and Grant Morrison have all worked on crafting these amazing tales of family, love, power and some of the favorite characters like Storm, Professor X, Gambit, Cyclops, Wolverine and so on. While their styles may have been different, the general idea and vision was still the same.

However, many people who want to start reading these books shy away from it because let’s face it, the story and the timeline are as complex and convoluted as no other.

But for those excited to get started, here are some of the best books ever written, picked by try X-Men fans:

House of M

The plot of the House of M book is a strange yet familiar one. Throughout the X-Men series, mutants are hunted and killed if the humans are given the chance. People destroying what they don’t understand is a common story in the Marvel Universe. However, this book explores what would happen if the roles were reversed and mutants were in charge while humans are looked down upon.

Messiah Complex

Focusing on the fallout of the events in the House of M, this story tells a tale of what happens to mutants at the brink of the extinction. While the entire group is hanging on to last hopes, news come of the Mutant baby being born somewhere deep in the heart of Alaska.

Understandably, there is a battle and search for the baby who could hold the key to Mutant survival on the planet. The best part – there are so many characters in this story and they all have their own agendas which makes it so much more interesting.

Divided He Stands

In this book we see what happens after the Messiah Complex when Professor X is shot in the head. He is rebuilding his memories and remembering all of the questionable actions he did. There are numerous flashbacks and Xavier is more conflicted and sympathetic that ever before.

Mutant Genesis

In this book, the original five X-Men are back and there is a lot 9f focus on the rivalry between Magneto and the X-Men. It’s a fun and exciting three-issue series that affected the new X-Men comic books heavily and even the animated series.

The Tomorrow People

This comic book is a modern take on the Ultimate X-Men and as such it’s truly a refreshing series. Characters are familiar yet updated and certain events that never happen in the original comic books happen here. It’s really a fun and interesting read.

Days of Future Past

Chris Claremont created a wonderful and thrilling story about time travel with X-Men of the future and the X-Men of the past. In the dystopian future where mutants, superheroes and humans are being taken out by Sentinels, there are not many members of the X-Men left. Kitty Pryde is sent to present to stop the assassination of senator Robert Kelly which is a catalyst for the future death of all mutants. She succeeds but the greatest part is the impact this book has on the series.

Magneto: Testament

“While Magneto’s origin story is fairly a familiar one amongst the fans, this book tells a full story of how an innocent young boy turned into a terrible champion for the Mutant rights”, – says Stephen Moore, an editor at 1Day2write.com and Academicbrits.com.


Life death focuses on Storm and her character development as she forms a relationship with Forge and goes back to her native Kenya. These issues are mainly focused on character drama rather than on battles and supervillains.

E is for extinction

This isn’t tile first time someone tried to kill all the mutants but Cassandra Nova was one of the most successful villains at that. While the story focuses on the aftermath of these deaths, this book is great because it introduces a new villain in Nova and she becomes a very personal enemy for the mutants.

God Loves, Man Kills

“Enemies come together in this one, when a reverend hellbent on destroying every Mutant on the planet, kidnaps Professor X in order to use his psychic powers for extinction. The story is far from being light hearted but the fact that a mere human could make two enemies unite against him makes for an amazing story”, – says a script writer from Writemyx.com, Jessica Balley.


Tim Colley works as a marketing and business writer at OriginWritings.com. He loves helping small businesses with their marketing strategies. Tim also likes meeting new people and creating articles for online publications.