May 12, 2024


Celebrating X-Men Films And Beyond

Fan FiX: KURT AND THE IN-BETWEEN – Kurt Enters A New Realm

1997. The team are on high alert. Their mission is protect the innocent and uphold peace in a world that’s growing in fear. Kurt, the agile and devoutly Catholic teleporter, finds himself aboard the jet alongside his teammates: Scott, the stoic leader, Ororo, the weather-wielding goddess, Peter, the speedster with an unfortunate new chip on his shoulder, Hank, the brilliant scientist and Headmaster/Professor with a beastly form, and Betsy, the former Horseman of Apocalypse, were all ready for action.

As the jet soars through the skies toward their destination in New York City, banter and camaraderie fill the cabin.

Scott, adjusting his visor, glances over at Kurt. “Ready for action?”

“Always, mein freund,” Kurt said with a grin, his prehensile tail swaying behind him.

Ororo, her white hair cascading around her shoulders, chimes in. “Let us hope our foe today is not too formidable. I have plans for a relaxing evening afterward.”

Peter scoffs. “Relaxing? When was the last time we had one of those?”

Hank chuckles. “I can’t recall, but perhaps after we deal with this new threat.”

“Perhaps, Hank,” Betsy says with a smile, katana in hand.

Their banter is interrupted as they arrive at the scene of chaos. A museum is under attack by a new villain named Xero. Tall and imposing, with silver skin and black hair, he exudes an aura of danger.

The battle erupts with a clash of powers and the crackle of energy. Kurt dances through the chaos, teleporting in and out of the fray, striking Xero with swift precision. Ororo summons winds and lightning, while Betsy utilizes her sword and psychic blade to fend off the villain.

But as Kurt attempts to teleport once more, something goes awry. Instead of arriving at his intended destination, he finds himself trapped in the in-between, a strange dimension of swirling colors and shifting landscapes.

Alone in this surreal realm, Kurt feels a sense of unease creeping over him. The dimension seems to warp his perceptions, distorting reality itself. Time loses its meaning, and Kurt wanders through the kaleidoscopic void, unsure of how to escape.

As he wanders through this strange realm, he begins to notice changes within himself. His blue skin/fur seems to shimmer with an otherworldly light, and his eyes darken with a newfound intensity. With each passing moment, he feels himself becoming more attuned to the energies of the in-between.

Meanwhile, back in the real world, the battle rages on without Kurt. His absence is felt immensely by his teammates, who fight with determination to protect those inside the museum and its precious artifacts.

But as the dust settles and Xero lays defeated, the team realize that Kurt is nowhere to be found. They search the area frantically, but their teammate seems to have vanished without a trace.

Hours pass, and Kurt finally manages to find his way back. But as he returns to the scene of the battle, he’s met with confused stares from his teammates.

“Kurt, where have you been?” Scott asked, with a look of concern etched on his face.

Kurt tries to explain his ordeal in the in-between, but his words came out jumbled and disjointed. Something feels off, and he can’t quite put his finger on it.

As he interacts with his teammates, Kurt can’t shake the feeling that everything is different somehow. Scott seems more aloof, Peter, more brash than usual, and Ororo, more distant. It’s as if he were seeing them through a distorted lens, their personalities exaggerated and warped.

It’s not until Kurt stumbles upon a newspaper headline that everything clicks into place: Hellfire Gala ’97 Find Celebs And World Leaders Mix & Mingle. The date is the same, but everything is altered. He realizes with a sinking feeling that he is in the wrong universe.

Determined to find his way back home, he sneaks away and sets out on a journey across this strange parallel Earth. Each step brings him closer to unraveling the mystery of the in-between and finding a way back to his own reality.

As he ventures deeper, he finds himself experiencing strange visions and vivid dreams, each one hinting at the true nature of the in-between and its connection to the multiverse.

Through trial and tribulation, Kurt finally stumbles upon a hidden nexus point, a gateway between dimensions that holds the key to his salvation. With determination, he steps through the portal and feels a familiar sensation of teleportation wash over him.

…and just like that, it clicks. He knows where to go.

When he emerges on the other side, Kurt finds himself back at the mansion, surrounded by the welcoming faces of his teammates and students. They greet him with joy, eager to hear of his adventures in the in-between.

“Kurt! We were so worried!” yells Ororo with great relief. “Are you okay?” He nods, smiling, explaining the events that took place.

Hank gives him a stern look. “I’ve gotta run some tests on you, Kurt. Your body traveled through the multiverse? Oh my stars!

As the dust settles and the team prepares to face whatever challenges lay ahead, Kurt can’t shake the feeling that his adventure is far from over. The in-between has left its mark on him, shaping him in ways he has yet to fully understand.

Betsy approaches Kurt. “You doing okay?” Kurt nods “Ja.” She sits besides him. “You know, when you all took a chance on me. Despite my past, despite Ororo’s even, you looked at my present and my potential future. I appreciate that.” She pauses for a moment. “Guess I just wanted to say, I’m here if you ever need to talk. I know a thing or two about traveling different dimensions, different planes…”

“Thank you, Besty. We have more in common than many imagine. Including our love of swords!” They embrace for a brief moment as she walks away to join the others.

As Kurt looks out into the beyond, he knows that he’s ready for whatever the future holds, armed with the knowledge that no matter how strange or perilous the journey, he’ll always find his way back home.

Then his eyes suddenly shift. What caused him to get stuck in the in-between in the first place? A mystery for now…