With the end of the Krakoan era looming, Marvel Entertainment has released an official trailer for their upcoming X-Men rehaul...
Comic Books
Marvel Comics will release two X-Men universe comic book titles on Wednesday, February 7. Nimod is front and center on...
Marvel Comics will release only two X-Men titles this week on Wednesday, January 31, but both will pack a punch!...
Marvel Comics will release two X-Men universe titles, along with an adjacent Iron Man comic on Wednesday, January 17. They...
Marvel Comics will release two X-MEN comic book titles on Wednesday, January 10. They include the Fall of the House...
When is X-MEN '97 coming out? We still don't know, but Marvel Comics has announced a new 4-issue comic book...
Marvel Comics will release two X-MEN universe comic book titles on Wednesday, December 13. They include the continuation of "Fall...