October 17, 2024


Celebrating X-Men Films And Beyond

X-MEN: DAYS OF FUTURE PAST gets rave reviews.


X-MEN: DAYS OF FUTURE PAST finally releases in theaters this week and, not that you need any convincing, but here’s what some publication and online reviewers had to say about the film. Click the links to read the full reviews. As of this posting, the film has a fresh 93% rating on Rotten Tomatoes, with 99% of 152k people saying they want to see the movie.

“While Aaron Taylor-Johnson is playing the character in Disney’s concurrent Marvel franchise (he’ll be seen at length in 2015’s “Avengers: Age of Ultron”), the bar has been set remarkably high here: Peters’ Quicksilver steals every scene he’s in, especially one brilliant, deliriously fun action sequence that reveals how everything seems to advance in slow-motion from his perspective.”

Justin Chang, Variety

“Logan/Wolverine has possibly never been more compelling. In his seventh turn in the role, Jackman brings powerful physicality, laconic humor and depths of sorrow beneath his gruffness that make him an unusually nuanced figure for a sci-fi action movie.”

David Rooney, The Hollywood Reporter

“The best scenes in the movie are the moments where Charles and Erik struggle to find a way to relate to one another and to not let the hurt run their lives. Yes, I dig the action scenes in the film, but the reason I feel like the series has new life is because these actors are treating the material so seriously. The fear, the hurt, the doubt… these are the things driving them, and they make the emotional material feel raw and real.”

Drew McWeeny, HitFix

“The most ambitious entry in the franchise and also the most rewarding, allowing fans to see the casts of both the original trilogy and First Class join forces in one action-packed, high-stakes, and surprisingly witty adventure film.”

Jim Vejvoda, IGN Movies

“Lawrence honours increased screen-time with emotional conviction, wounded eyes speaking volumes. Indeed, old and new cast-members shine through the screen-crowd. More McKellen would have been nice but Stewart monologues magnificently, Michael Fassbender relishes ’70s Magneto’s cruel cool, Dinklage makes Trask more than a ’tache-twirling tyrant and Hugh Jackman’s sardonic Logan never gets old (and he has a 20-year-old’s bum).”

Kevin Harley, Total Film

“The interweaving future/past finale is ingeniously edited, with events in each timeline having major repercussions for the other. And with a relatively brisk running time, you can almost overlook the fact that the movie sags a bit in the talky middle, and occasionally gets a little somber for its own good.”

Richard Edwards, SFX

“The best X-Men film since the second one, this sequel/prequel/reboot trashes the ’70s with élan. Some of the massive cast struggle to register (there’s only a brief Storm), but what’s here is all good. We want X-Men: Apocalypse, now.”

Nick de Semlyen, Empire

“It helps that every single piece of action is in service to the narrative. The future is packed with a slew of mutants both new and familiar, but almost all get ample opportunity to show off their skill-set with Blink (Fan Bingbing) and Shawn Ashmore’s Iceman standing out from the pack.”

Amon Warmann, Hey U Guys

“A perfectly fine follow-up to “X-Men: First Class” and a nice way to offer some closure for Singer’s earlier X-men movies, “Days of Future Past” does a good job upping the ante on the superhero movie while at the same time learning how much harder that is while trying to get out from under the shadow of “The Avengers.”

Edward Douglas, Coming Soon

“It’s an impressive, almost superhuman feat, considering how much could have gone wrong with this ridiculously ambitious setup. Singer has taken us back to the entertaining, intriguing early days of the X-Men franchise. And thanks to this witty, inventive and perfectly-paced adventure, he has managed to secure its future.”

Andy Lea, Daily Star

“The film is unfailing in its attention to detail, brutally unforgiving in its fan-service, and riddled with genuine moments of exultant joy; I shan’t spoil anything, but there’s fifteen minutes near the middle of the film wherein one of my favorite mutants gets some of the best scenes in the whole movie (one in particular elicited loud whoops and applause from the audience I sat with).”


“Time-travel stories can become complicated quickly, and director Bryan Singer, screenwriter Simon Kinberg, and especially editor (and composer) John Ottman keep the action flowing in a clear stream that carries the audience along at a good clip. Ottman deserves an award, frankly, for ensuring that the audience is never confused, and that the stakes in any given segment are always clear.”

Russ Fischer, /Film

“The return of Wolverine and many other original X-Men gives a welcome jolt of familiarity to this complex, funny and often spectacular adventure.”

Mark Adams, The Mirror

“As a film, it so well-balanced. Days Of Future Past is a time-travel film that doesn’t lose its way postulating about branching universe theory; an apocalypse film that doesn’t take too long introducing you to how it happened; a superhero movie without a lot of the glitter and brightness that goes along with so many campy Marvel movies, and an X-Men film without the s*** we’ve seen in recent years like X-Men Origins: Wolverine.”

Luke Hopewell, Gizmodo Australia

“Days of Future Past is a powerful cocktail of nostalgia and new frontier – quite simply it’s the grandest, most ambitious X-Men movie yet.”

Simon Reynolds, Digital Spy

Michael Currell, MTV UK