October 18, 2024


Celebrating X-Men Films And Beyond

Updated IMDB cast list reveals additional roles in X-MEN: APOCALYPSE.


The IMDB page for X-MEN: APOCALYPSE has been updated and lists previously unannounced actors that will appear in the film. Many of these are minor roles, but they give insight into what we’ll see included in Bryan Singer’s upcoming blockbuster.

An intriguing addition is Anthony Konechny (Fifty Shades of Grey), who’s listed as playing Sam. Is it possible he’s playing Sam Guthrie aka Cannonball? The actor sure looks the part, but that’s pure speculation. Christopher Tyson appears as one of the “Mutant Morlocks,” seemingly confirming some sort of presence from the underground mutant group. Monique Ganderton’s casting as Death (along with previously mentioned Rochelle Okoye as Plague) alludes to there being multiple versions of Apocalypse’s Four Horsemen.

Take a gander at the recent additions below and see if any catch your eye.

  • Monique Ganderton (Death)
  • Anthony Konechny (Sam)
  • Christopher Tyson (Mutant Morlocks)
  • Joe Cobden (Military Official #3)
  • Hesham Hammoud (Guard #1)
  • Vladimir Alexis (Payless Shoe Salesperson)
  • Jason Deline (Pentagon Tech)
  • Nadim Toth (Mutant Carrier)
  • Steve Nash (News Anchor)
  • Christopher Tyson (Mutant Morlocks)
  • Ziad Ghanem (Egyptian Street Vendor)
  • Philippe Hartmann (Polish Foundry Worker)
  • Ian Geldart (Lead Alkali Guard)
  • Manuel Sinor (Fight Announcer)

Click here for the full “Apocalypse” cast list.

Thanks to Mutant 101 and Universo X-Men for the heads up!
