September 21, 2024


Celebrating X-Men Films And Beyond

Deadpool 2 (2018) Julian Dennison as Russell and Ryan Reynolds as Deadpool

Entertainment Weekly: Deadpool was a daddy in early drafts of DEADPOOL 2 script.

Ryan Reynolds is a real-life daddy, but the star revealed to Entertainment Weekly that early drafts of the DEADPOOL 2 script had the merc with a mouth (surprisingly) being one himself.

“The genesis of it was ‘What if Deadpool had a child?’ Like, what if we started five years later and what would that be like? By page 1.5, it was totally untenable,” said Reynolds. “We were just like, ‘Nope. Nope. No, no, no. This is never, ever going to work.’ We went back to the drawing board and kind of reworked it in a way about wanting to have a child, which is something that so many people I know experience on a daily basis — wanting to have a child but can’t.”

The importance of family still plays a theme within the film. “The first movie is a love story masquerading as a comic-book movie, and this one is kind of a family film masquerading as a comic-book film again.”

Pick up the latest issue of Entertainment Weekly for more DP2 coverage.

Deadpool 2 arrives in theaters May 18.

Photo courtesy of Entertainment Weekly and 20th Century Fox