May 12, 2024


Celebrating X-Men Films And Beyond

#XMen21: Celebrating the 21st anniversary of X-MEN (2000)!

Happy X-MEN 21!

Every year we celebrate the anniversary of 20th Century Fox’s X-MEN (2000) on July 14th, the film’s theatrical release date. To participate, we use the hashtags #XMen21 and #XMen across all social media to share your favorite mutant memories, photos, fan art, and much more!

XMF is releasing 9 character collector profiles featuring the main characters: Professor Xavier, Wolverine, Jean Grey, Cyclops, Storm, Rogue, Toad, Sabretooth, Magneto and Mystique. These will release throughout the day, so continue to check this page or any of our social media platforms for the updated rollout.

Cyclops. A natural born leader. Strong-willed yet loyal. He has the ability to shoot powerful concussive beams out of his eyes. He is fighting for a world that fears and hates him.

Sabretooth. Vicious and powerful. He never holds back. Approach with the utmost caution.

Toad. Agile and a highly skilled combatant. Dedicated member of the Brotherhood of Mutants. Do you know what happens to a 🐸 when struck by lightning?

Jean Grey. She once said she is “nowhere near” the power level of Professor X in telepathy. Little does she know of the immense power within her, soon to be unleashed. Combined with her telekinesis, she is a force to be reckoned with.

Magneto and Mystique. Loyal to each other and their cause of Mutant supremacy. They lead the Brotherhood of Mutants in hopes of creating a better world for mutantkind. Between Erik’s control of metal and Raven’s ability to shapeshift, they’re a powerful duo.

Rogue. This new mutant discovered her powers after kissing her boyfriend and placing him in a coma. Marie can drain the life force of a person by touching them. She can gain memories & personality traits of those she holds onto and adapt mutant powers.

Storm. This mutant weather goddess is literally a force to be reckoned with with: lightning, wind, ice, you name it. Ororo has chosen a side; a side which believes in a better and safer future for mutantkind with equality and respect for all.

Professor Xavier. He’s one of the world’s most powerful telepaths. His dream is that one day mankind will accept mutants as their brothers and sisters in society. Founder of the X-Men and School for Gifted Youngsters, he’s an important figure in society.

Wolverine. His healing factor makes his age impossible to determine. Lucky guy. Logan wields three claws and an adamantium-encased skeleton. Suffering from a mean case of amnesia, he’s searching for answers about his past.