May 12, 2024


Celebrating X-Men Films And Beyond

Marvel Studios’ UNTITLED X-MEN REBOOT Rumored To Start Production Next Year

Fans are eager to know when Marvel Studios will release their iteration of the X-Men! We’re talking a trip down nostalgia lane with the return of Hugh Jackman as Wolverine in Deadpool & Wolverine, but that film and the following Avengers films will serve as a conclusion to the FoXverse and Marvel’s Multiverse Saga. WIth “the end of the MCU” as we know it looming, an All-New and All-Different universe will arise.

Production Weekly gives us a better idea when the Untitled X-Men Reboot could potentially start production, listing a Q4 2025 date – meaning the later part of 2025. Please note this is an established estimate and does not serve as official confirmation of any sort.

Producers are currently working with writers to craft the X-Men and their journey in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. A massive undertaking, as it’s not a single film, but the start of an entire universe that needs to be mapped out and explored, just like the MCU itself. No word of any directors in talks, but it has to be a highly-coveted gig.

Thanks @XMenReboot for the heads up!

Amazon: Deluxe Arcade X-Men ’97 Edition

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