October 17, 2024


Celebrating X-Men Films And Beyond

Evan Peters cast as Quicksilver in ‘Days of Future Past.’


Mind blown.

X-MEN: DAYS OF FUTURE PAST director, Bryan Singer has just announced some unexpected news. Magneto’s son, Quicksilver will be in the film, played by actor, Evan Peters (Kick Ass, TV’s American Horror Story).

This is “unexpected” because the character, along with his sister Scarlet Witch, are currently being written into Joss Whedon’s THE AVENGERS sequel. Bryan Singer seems to know this very well, tweeting “Before he was an #Avenger, he was just a REALLY fast kid.”

Is Fox beating Marvel/Disney to the punch, or is Evans actually slated to appear as the same character in both franchises? Both studios have rights to the character, so it’s anyone’s guess. Singer didn’t shy away from the fact that he’s an Avenger, so we’ll see how this develops.

Update: According to HitFix, Fox and Marvel aren’t working together to create a sense of a larger shared world. Their sources say that Bryan Singer has allegedly “designed a sequence that he feels only works with Quicksilver.

Update 2: Singer deleted his original tweet which mentioned “Avengers.”

Update 3: This definitely isn’t the case of Fox and Marvel working together.

