October 17, 2024


Celebrating X-Men Films And Beyond

Hugh Jackman wants Wolverine, Spider-Man, Avengers team-up.


Collider recently spoke with THE WOLVERINE star who says he “would love to” have Logan team up with The Avengers and Spider-Man in the ultimate crossover film.

“Mate, I ask the same question,” says Hugh Jackman when asked about teaming up with The Avengers and Spider-Man. “I literally asked the same question the other day to Tom from Marvel who works with all the other studios, he works with Sony and Fox, that’s his job to liaise. I said, ‘Man, can this happen?’ and he goes ‘Look, it’s not gonna be easy because you’re working with different studios and they’re their properties.’ But I believe—maybe I’m optimistic, I understand at Marvel they’ve got The Avengers, they’ve got a lot of big things going on, but at some point I just find it almost impossible that there’s not a way to bring Iron Man, all the Avengers characters, Wolverine, the X-Men characters, Spider-Man, and somehow get them in together.

“(Smiling) I don’t see the impediment! I’m like, okay you’ve got three studios, just split it three ways in terms of the cost, and happy days it’s all coming together! I would love to… I’m in for it, I’m totally up for it because I think that would be really exciting for fans across the board.”

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