October 17, 2024


Celebrating X-Men Films And Beyond

Bryan Singer and Simon Kinberg on X-Men DOFP

Days Of Future Past

Wall Street Journal — “It’s an original story,” says director Bryan Singer, “but it’s based on DAYS OF FUTURE PAST. It takes into account all of the films so far and doesn’t go crazy trying to tie them together, but establishes a timeline and flushes out the universe.”

On tackling the ambitiousness behind DOFP, writer Simon Kinberg says “At first we hadn’t settled on ‘Days of Future Past’ and were just talking about ‘The Godfather Part II’ as a model for a story with parallel timelines,” explained Mr. Kinberg. “But the more we talked about it, the more we were like, ‘This is the biggest story that hasn’t been told yet.’”

On expanding the universe and branching out into multiple franchises, he says “The goal is to take a step back and look at the franchise as more than one or two movies, but as an overarching mythology.”