October 18, 2024


Celebrating X-Men Films And Beyond

Anna Paquin says she “would come back” as Rogue, if needed for a future X-MEN film.


Speaking with IGN , ‘X-Men’ Rogue actress, Anna Paquin said that she had a “great time” working on the films, becoming friends with the cast and crew over each production. She also gave her thoughts on director Bryan Singer’s decision to remove her scenes from X-MEN: DAYS OF FUTURE PAST.

“I have had a great time on all of those films that I’ve been part of,” she said. “Those are people that are very dear to me. If it happens that that’s something that makes sense for whichever of the 700 different X-Men projects that are happening which I personally can’t keep track of then that’s great. If not, they’re still fun to watch.”

Paquin expressed her dedication for returning as Rogue, if needed, saying “I would come back and do whatever. These are people I’ve known for half my life. I have a lot of love for my X-Men family. I realistically wouldn’t really care what it was if they were getting the whole gang back together kind of thing. On a side note personally, I would really like to fly because flying’s cool.

“I got to do one really fun stunt in X-Men 2 which was all this wire work when the X-Jet gets crashed into and I get sucked out, and I got to spend several months hanging from wires on the ceiling in stunt rehearsals. They were going to do it at the very beginning of production and then they were like, ‘Actually, maybe we’ll save it to the last day.’ I was like, awesome, thank you, great vote of confidence.”

When Singer announced Rogue’s removal from his film, there was an outcry from a number of fans and the general public. Paquin said she never had negative thoughts towards Singer for his decision.

“I think other people were more offended by that. I’m like, ‘I don’t want to be in the plot line that doesn’t work!’ Look, don’t hire Bryan Singer and then criticize him for making creative choices in his edit that will make the film good or not good. This is why you hire somebody like that,” she said. “He knows what he’s doing. He called me and was like, ‘So blah, blah, blah,’ and I was like, ‘OK!’ And then everyone else was like, ‘Oh my god, let’s go to war for you.’ I’m like, that’s so incredibly sweet, but I’m fine. [laughs] And I’ve known him since I was a teenager. It’s all good now, please stop attacking.”

Source: IGN