October 16, 2024


Celebrating X-Men Films And Beyond

Writers Ashley Miller and Zack Stentz on X-Men: First Class.

io9 recently spoke with writers Ashley Miller and Zack Stentz about their work on X-MEN: FIRST CLASS and how they connected X-Men mythology to the 60’s time period.

The X-Men are often used as a metaphor for the Civil Rights movement, but X-Men: First Class actually takes place during the era of MLK. Given that this is a much more repressive culture, where difference of all sorts is less tolerated, how does that change the way you think about the mutant struggle for acceptance?

Miller: “That sort of thing certainly runs through your mind, but you can’t make the movie about that. You can’t even make the movie about the Cuban Missile Crisis. It’s layered into subtext – although oddly in this case, I think it’s more explicit with respect to attitudes toward women. Even that is very small.”

Stentz: “I think the MLK-Malcolm X dichotomy has always been in the Singer X-Men films…he even has Magneto say “By any means necessary” at one point! But actually setting an X-Men film during the Civil Rights Era, which coincided with this wonderful, crazy period of technological optimism and possibility, opened up the storytelling in a lot of ways. Partway through the process, we realized that what we were writing in many ways had the vibe of a 1960s Connery Bond film, which was something Matthew Vaughn really responded to in the material and ran with. He just did a wonderful job of transplanting the X-Men into a whole jet age, swingin’ London, Civil Rights, JFK New Frontier era.”

You can read much more here!