May 11, 2024


Celebrating X-Men Films And Beyond

Our 2012 comic book series THE XTREME is now a cbz/cbr trade paperback.

Ten years ago, XMF had a chaotic comic book run! THE XTREME (2012) was a 10-part limited series, which spun off another comic called I AM XTREME (2013). The latter title only reached two issues, with the story never revisited…for now.

Every issue is now collected in a trade paperback at 128 pages, which you can download in .cbr and .cbz format via Google Drive. As always, individual issues can be found on our Comics page with .pdf downloads (individual .cbr and .cbz links coming soon).

The Xtreme: A galaxy-traveling alien army known as The Kring have threatened to eradicate humans from Earth by using xtremes – super-humans with extraordinary abilities – as their weapons through telepathy. When Marlee, Christopher, Unknown, Bee, and their friends join forces to learn the secrets of King Kring, a war breaks out, leading the to their ultimate showdown.

I Am Xtreme: 30 years after the events of THE XTREME, a group of rogue fighters from a dark future are confronted by Zach, a newly-birthed xtreme from the past. Zach traveled through time to search for the world’s first time machine. Unfortunately, Zach cannot travel before the point in which his powers first activated. In order to change the events of his original timeline, he enlists the help of his future son and friends to stop The Kring War before it ever begins.