June 3, 2024


Celebrating X-Men Films And Beyond

Matthew Vaughn says X-Men: First Class reinvents history just like the comics.

Entertainment Weekly has a great new interview with X-MEN: FIRST CLASS director Matthew Vaughn in which he explains how Charles Xavier and Erik Lensherr are introduced in the film and how the changes made are no different from the changes writers make in the comic book series.

“You’re seeing Xavier become a professor. For me, Magneto is the good guy in the film, but he’s a sort of a good bad guy. He literally kicks off the movie, and Xavier goes along on the ride trying to figure out what the hell is going on, and trying to persuade Erik that you don’t have to kill everyone.”

On the historical changes made in regards to the many mutants of “First Class” Vaughn says…

“One thing about the X-Men world is that, if you know your X-Men universe, every writer reinvented the storyline. I did my research, and none of the histories of the characters make any sense. Each writer just totally changed the history to make their plot work. So I can quite safely say that X-Men has a history of reinventing its history for the sake of the plot.”

Click here to read the interview in full!