October 17, 2024


Celebrating X-Men Films And Beyond

Mark Millar on the ambitiousness of ‘Days of Future Past.’


Marvel consultant Mark Millar recently had a chat with X-MEN: DAYS OF FUTURE PAST director Bryan Singer, and has some things to say about Fox’s upcoming slate of superhero projects, including word on an exciting announcement coming up.

“Just had a great chat with Bryan Singer. What an immensely nice dude that guy is!

“As a producer on Kick-Ass 2, I’ve not been in LA since Sept when Fox flew me out to sit with the insanely-clever writer Simon Kinberg and the Fox execs to chat X-men back when Matthew was still directing. But Kick-Ass 2 is pretty much done now and so my beady-eye can move back towards the Fox stuff again. There’s a very exciting announcement you guys will hear about over the coming months (if not before), but the most immediate things the office is talking about are Days of Future Past and The Wolverine, both of which I’m absolutely aching to see. I saw the first 10 mins of Jim’s Wolvie when I was out there last September. I’m out again next month and will have the pleasure of seeing a very near final cut too.

“Days of Future-Past is potentially the biggest and most ambitious superhero movie ever made. I’ve seen this coming together in various stages, but now they’re only weeks away from shooting it’s really catching fire. I’ll catch Bry in person before he heads to Montreal next month when I’m seeing Wolvie and we can chat a little more about the Fox grand plan. A very, very exciting time to be into this stuff, especially when you consider that the brilliant Josh Trank has Fantastic Four lined up for 2015. You don’t know how lucky you are – when I was a kid Nicholas Hammond was playing Spidey on a visible wire!!”
