October 17, 2024


Celebrating X-Men Films And Beyond

More from Kelsey Grammer on Beast: “He’s one of my favorite characters.”


While attending press junkets for his role in the new “Transformers” film, Beast actor, Kelsey Grammer, was asked about his cameo in X-MEN: DAYS OF FUTURE PAST and how his eagerness to play the role once again came into play. Plus, what does the future hold?

“I would love to do another X-Men,” he tells IGN. “I loved playing Beast! I call him the blue guy and it was just a joy for me to be involved in that franchise and so when I heard they were making another one…It was Hugh (Jackman) that I was talking to and he said, ‘You’re going to be in the next one aren’t ya, mate!?!’ (Australian accent included). I said I didn’t even know about it. So I called Bryan and said, ‘Look I understand that you’re in a different timeline now and it’s the younger Beast, but there’s that little coda at the end. So I volunteered my services for it, because I really like being a part of that franchise.”

On negative reaction to X-MEN: THE LAST STAND: “I thought [director] Brett [Ratner] did a good job with the third one, but I guess that got sort of wrapped-up in political nonsense between studios. I never cared about that stuff. I think it’s Bryan’s baby, so I was happy to see him return to it.”

On his brief cameo appearance and redesigned look, Grammer tells MTV: “I had the best time with all of that. He’s one of my favorite characters. It’s a guy who hasn’t been mined, at least in that manifestation, as well as he could.”

“When we revisited my makeup, I called up Bryan and said, ‘I know it’s not a big part, but I feel connected to it; it’s my role,’” he said. “And he said, ‘I’m with you on that.’ So we redid some of the makeup.”

“I would love to revisit Beast,” he said, further reiterating his interest in films that take place in the future timeline. “You never know.”

Source: IGN, MTV