The Oregonian recently spoke with Professor Xavier actor Sir Patrick Stewart about his work and the actor revealed some interesting details about his and Sir Ian McKellen’s future involvement in the X-Men franchise.
“I understand that it seems to be very unlikely that I will be in the next “X-Men” movie, which is about to start shooting in Montreal,” says Stewart about X-MEN: APOCALYPSE. “But Magneto, Ian McKellen, is certainly going to be in it.”
Stewart surprisingly revealed that he’ll likely appear alongside Hugh Jackman in James Mangold’s next WOLV3RINE film, teasing “…what I’m very excited about is that we have been talking about a Wolverine movie, which would team Hugh Jackman and myself together. Wolverine and Professor Xavier. That would be a very different sort of “X-Men” from the four movies that I’ve already done.”
I want to see a teaser poster for apocalypse or Wolverine or deadpool movie. It can even be just a title…
Awesome news. Expecially after DOFP they have an even closer relationship knowing what was at stake. I Keep my fingers crossed that everything proceeds as planned.
I never knew that I wanted a Wolverine-Professor X buddy movie, but now that I’ve been exposed to the idea, I need this in my life NOW. (Assuming that it does come to fruition, I can’t believe I’m going to have wait over two years for this film… *sighs*)
I wonder if Ian McKellen’s role in ‘Apocalypse’ will just be a cameo, or if he will given something a little more substantial.
I hope it’s a cameo at the end to lead into the future timeline for Wolverine’s film next year.
I’m interested in how they’ll handle multiple timelines as I hope more films are planned for younger Jean, Cyclops and Storm after APOCALYPSE.