October 16, 2024


Celebrating X-Men Films And Beyond

X-Men: First Class’ Gathegi and Jones answer the X-Perts!

X-MEN: FIRST CLASS actors Edi Gathegi (Darwin) and Caleb Landry Jones (Banshee) have answered questions from you…the X-Perts on the official ‘X-Men Movies’ Facebook page!

Question to Edi Gathegi: Because Darwin is relatively new to the comics – did you have more freedom to portray the character than the other cast?

“I think everyone in the cast has a certain responsibility to maintain the integrity of the characters they are portraying as seen in the comics. With that said, we are actors, human beings, portraying these characters, so inevitably we have to make the characters our own. Bring them to life in our own unique way. Hopefully we strike a happy medium of what’s expected, and a surprise unique personal take to really make our characters come to life on the screen as live action.”

Question to Caleb Landry Jones: What do you think makes Banshee such a cool character?

“His naively destructive personality sprinkled with wit.”

Click here to read more answers from the two!