October 16, 2024


Celebrating X-Men Films And Beyond

James Mangold talks more about THE WOLVERINE.

MTV got more details out of THE WOLVERINE director James Mangold. He opens up about his take on Wolverine’s journey and how the film will explore Logan’s life in a new way.

On Wolverine’s long life:

“In many ways, the storyline makes me think even of Asimov’s ‘The Bicentennial Man,'” Mangold said. “The man who’s here forever must watch mankind make all of its mistakes and also lose everyone they ever love because we all either get killed or die in some way. We pass and they endure. At some point, do you ever get tired of it?”

On Wolverine’s look:

“Hugh and I have an idea about when in Wolvie’s life when we’re finding him,” Mangold said. “I think it’s in a place that will be a little more intense than we’ve ever seen him. In that sense, we’ll be examining his look and everything else through that prism. That would affect everything from his level of musculature to his look.”

On ‘The Wolverine’ not necessarily being a reboot:

“I think that we are not rebooting, but we are going deeper into something than anyone’s ever gone, and we’re finding a way to do that in a really original way.”

Read more from the interview here.