October 18, 2024


Celebrating X-Men Films And Beyond

Simon Kinberg on DEADPOOL and sequel possibilities.


DEADPOOL producer Simon Kinberg told Collider that he’s seen a rough cut of the film and that it’s “fantastic” and a “really good” movie. “It delivers on the promise of the trailer. We really committed and leaned into it being R-rated. It’s just darker and edgier and weirder in the best way—like Deadpool should be—than any other movie in the genre.”

On the possibility of a sequel, he says “We certainly are talking about the sequel—we were talking about the sequel while we were making the movie just because when you make a film like this that’s from a serialized source material, you hope that it’s the first of many… But yeah [Fox is] feeling good about it, we’re all feeling really proud of it, so hopefully before it comes out we will be well into the process of figuring out a sequel.”

Last month, director Tim Miller stated “If we don’t put Cable in Deadpool 2 I think we’ll be run out of town on a rail.” Expanding on the idea, Kinberg says “It’s certainly come up because he’s such a big character in the world. And it’s a character that I’ve always wanted to do in one form or another, we talked about Cable actually in Days of Future Past at one point. But yeah we’re in such the early stages of sequel talk it would be genuinely premature for me to say whether or not he was gonna be in it.”

‘Deadpool’ comes to theaters on February 12, 2016.

Source: Collider
Image courtesy of Marvel Comics.