September 20, 2024


Celebrating X-Men Films And Beyond

Matthew Vaughn calls X-Men: First Class a mixture of prequel and reboot.

Is X-MEN: FIRST CLASS a direct prequel to the original X-Men trilogy or a reboot? Sort of both according to Matthew Vaughn. The director recently spoke with Slash Film about his ideas on the film and what he set out to do.

“My main goal was to make as good a film that could stand on its own two feet regardless of all the other films.” said Vaughn. “However I thought anything that worked in all the other movies, and I could have some fun with nodding towards, I would. But my main rule was, ‘You know what, we’re trying to reboot and start a whole new X-Men franchise’ and therefore, making a film work on its own two feet was far more important than trying to be referential to the prior movies.”

On the pressures of creating a good film and meeting fan expectations:

“I’d rather people’s expectations are low and they’re excited than high and disappointed. And I’m a big believer, I mean I remember talking to Daniel Craig about this when he was doing Bond and he was being absolutely destroyed by the web and I said ‘Look dude, your work is gonna do the talking and they’re gonna all eat their hats and apologize and say you’re great’ and I’m a big believer that my job is to make the film and not to worry about what everyone else thinks. And if I make a film that people like, then great, if I make a film that people don’t like then… I mean, that’s my job and you can’t worry about pleasing people. I just try and make as good a film as possible and if people like it, great, and if they don’t, I tried my best.”

On potential sequels:

“You could do hundreds. We’ve got from 62 to 2000, whenever that was set. The fun thing for this, sequel-wise, is you can go through the ’60s, ’70s and ’80s now. If people go see it, I think there’s a lot of sequels to do, I’ve got lots of ideas but I also don’t like to curse it because too many times in my life now I’ve been asked about if there’s gonna be a sequel to a film which I just directed and then that film doesn’t do as well in the US box office and I go, ‘Eh, guess not.’

Click here to read the full interview!