September 20, 2024


Celebrating X-Men Films And Beyond

Kevin Bacon and Zoe Kravitz answer the X-Perts!

You asked, they answered! The official X-Men Movies Facebook has added answers from X-MEN: FIRST CLASS stars Kevin Bacon (Sebastian Shaw) and Zoe Kravitz (Angel Salvadore):

Q: How similar is your version of Sebastian Shaw to the comics version?

Kevin Bacon: The main difference between Shaw in the comics and the character I play is the way he looks ā€“ he’s just physically nothing like me! But the essence of the comics character is there. I based him on directly on all the comic book research I did.

Q: You’ve tackled many interesting and diverse roles in your career. What made you decide to take on the role of Shaw?

Kevin Bacon: It was a very quick decision. I loved the script, I wanted to work with Matthew Vaughn, it was a great part, and the cast is very strong.

Q: Along with Magneto, Shaw is one of the most interesting villains of the X universe, but until now the character was unexplored in the movies. How have you made this role your own?

Kevin Bacon: Shaw is complex, and his backstory is fascinating. And he is a manipulator. One specific piece of direction from Matthew Vaughn really defined the character for me: Shaw can change who he is depending on who he’s dealing with. He has those kinds of personal communication skills. That made him fun to play; in one scene he can be a German; in another, a Russian.

Q: How much research did you do to prepare for the role?

Kevin Bacon: The first thing that happens is that Marvel gives you a stack of everything that’s been written through history about your on-screen character. That’s a great jumping off point. And then it just kind of expands from there.

Q: What is the one thing you would tell your fans that they should look forward to in the film?

Kevin Bacon: It’s an emotional film. Sure, if you like superhero films, big special effects, and **** blowing up, you’ll love it. You’ll also love it if you like films about strong relationships, love, jealousy and sex!

Q: Angel Salvadore is not a very popular character. Why was she chosen instead of some of the more popular mutants?

Zoe Kravitz: It seems to me, like a mutant is a mutant, and no matter where they come from, they will still have similar struggles. So I like that Matthew picked mutants that he thought would fit together to create his vision.

Q: Will Angel be more akin to an insect as in the comics or were some of her more fly-like traits (laying eggs, acid vomit) discarded for a more “realistic” feel?

Zoe Kravitz: In all honesty I didn’t have to do too much “comic-wise” myself. When I got to London I was provided with every comic she had ever been in.

Q: What was the toughest challenge you had to face in preparing yourself for the role of Angel Salvadore?

Zoe Kravitz: Getting into shape to do all of the wire work for the flying around. The rest was quite easy but I found that I identified with Angel very much.

Q: When playing the character, aside from the less than glamorous powers, is there anything about Angel you can somewhat relate to?

Zoe Kravitz: I relate to almost everything about it. Being a strong independent woman is a challenge. Especially when there are things about yourself that you don’t love, and make you feel insecure. I think it’s great to see how Angel comes into her own, and becomes more and more comfortable in her own skin. We all have moments of self-loathing, but when we are able to rise to any occasion despite that, is when we are the strongest.

Q: Are we going to see any of Beak in the film, or at least any love interest for our darling Angel?

Zoe Kravitz: No Beak this time, and no real love interest! I think she’s still just trying to love herself at this point in her life.

Q: Are you in fight scenes in the movie ?

Zoe Kravitz: I do have a really great fight scene with Banshee in the film. A lot of fun!!!

Click here to read many more answers!