September 22, 2024


Celebrating X-Men Films And Beyond

DEADPOOL 2 featured on this week’s Entertainment Weekly.

DEADPOOL 2 is featured on the cover of this week’s Entertainment Weekly magazine, with Ryan Reynolds jokingly holding a photograph of himself next to his suited-up counterpart.

“I feel like Deadpool can’t stand [real world] Ryan Reynolds,” the star joked. “He can’t defend the decisions he’s made, right down to, like, the shirt-tie combo. I feel like he just doesn’t agree with Ryan Reynolds’ DNA.”

Well, the merc better appreciate what Reynolds is doing for his onscreen popularity: “Ryan is the keeper of the Deadpool flame,” said producer Simon Kinberg. “It’s extraordinary how much he fully invests in Deadpool.”

A lot of that investment went into director David Leitch joining the sequel: “Going in and making a sequel is intimidating. I never planned on doing a sequel,” he said about joining the franchise after original helmer Tim Miller departed. “But to have the opportunity to do Deadpool is different in that the world is so fun and irreverent you can kinda go anywhere.”

While the “first movie is a love story masquerading as a comic book movie,” Reynolds says “this one is kind of a family film masquerading as a comic book film again” with the inclusion of X-Force and the young mutant that Josh Brolin’s Cable is after.

Pick up the issue to read plenty more.

Deadpool 2 arrives in theaters May 18.