May 21, 2024


Celebrating X-Men Films And Beyond

DEADPOOL 2 actor Lewis Tan says it “would be a dream” to portray Shatterstar in a Mojoverse spinoff.

Even though DEADPOOL 2 actor Lewis Tan had a minor role as doomed X-Force member Shatterstar, he made quite the impression on fans as the alien mutant. Speaking with Josh Wilding at ComicBookMovie, Tan says he would love to explore the character further.

“When I signed on it was fairly hidden from me what was going to happen,” he said. “Once I found out I was still excited. working with Ryan and Dave was such a good experience and I love the characters [of] both Deadpool and Shatterstar. Of course, now I fell in love with playing him and would love to do a spinoff where we can explore Mojoworld in a Mad Max meets Gladiator type of way, that would be a dream.”

In comics, the Mojoverse is a dimension where alien beings are addicted to gladiator-like television programs run by morbidly obese and immobile alien, Mojo.

With Disney’s acquisition of 20th Century Studios and their mutant characters, it’s unknown if Kevin Feige and Marvel Studios plan to bring any of Deadpool’s costars into the Marvel Cinematic Universe. As of now, Ryan Reynolds is the only known component.

Source Josh Wilding via