July 2, 2024


Celebrating X-Men Films And Beyond

Fan FiX: WHITE HOT ERA (PART 1) – Still Doing Space Missions? Cool.

1998. Earth’s most powerful heroes stand assembled in the mansion’s lower-level hangar bay. Hank addresses the team with a serious tone in his voice.

“NASA has detected an unknown object on the surface of the moon. It’s emitting a signal, one they believe could hold the key to understanding a cosmic anomaly. We’ve been asked to investigate.”

Scott, the level-headed leader, nods. “We need to prepare immediately.”

The team consists of Scott, whose powers could level mountains; Ororo, the mistress of weather manipulation; Betsy, a telepathic ninja; Peter, the hyper-headed speedster; Kurt, the teleporting religious acrobat; newcomer, Cecilia, a NASA-appointed doctor, researcher and force field generator; and Hank, headmaster and brilliant scientist with superhuman agility,

Hank spent years upgrading and remodifying the jet for space travel since their last mission in 1992. The sleek aircraft has enhanced shielding and life support systems, capable of sustaining the team on their journey to the lunar surface.

As they board the jet, each member wears a new costume, designed by Hank specifically for this mission. The costumes are predominantly white, with accents of red, silver and other colors tailored to preference, providing protection and utility for space travel.

Tensions run high during the two-day journey. Betsy and Cecilia, both experiencing space travel for the first time, were visibly nervous. To pass the time, they engaged in various activities on the spacecraft, including deep sleep sessions facilitated by Betsy’s telepathic abilities.

Amidst the quiet hum of the ship, Scott and Ororo found a moment to share a personal conversation. Ororo broached a sensitive topic, asking Scott about Alison.

“It’s been over a year since we last spoke, ‘Ro” Scott admitted. “You know, things became complicated between us after Jean’s attack. Alison lost her arm…she struggled. I can’t believe Jean would do something so…”

Ororo interrupted gently. “That wasn’t Jean, Scott.”

Scott looks off into the distance. Their conversation is interrupted by Peter, who bluntly asks about their mission objectives once they reach the moon.

“NASA wants us to track the artifact and observe it,” Scott explains. “Cecilia will gather energy and data readings. Then we’ll see if there’s any communication happening.”

Focused on her duties, Cecilia conducts tests on an microscopic organic specimen. She fills out paperwork that reveals the words “Lunar Blanco.” An air of mystery surrounds her involvement, and the team can’t help but wonder what she’s hiding.

As they approach the moon, tension fills the cabin. Hank maneuvers the aircraft expertly, using GPS and radar trackers to locate the artifact signal. It is planted on the surface, its presence indicated by strange energy readings.

Ororo uses her abilities to create a breathable atmosphere for the team, although they have oxygen masks should they travel beyond her limited reach.

The team descend cautiously, landing on the moon’s surface. They step out onto the barren landscape, their white costumes glimmering in the lunar light. After a short journey, the object appears before them. It’s a beautiful crystalline structure radiating colors unknown to the human eye, appearing as if it’s growing out of the moon’s surface.

Cecilia immediately sets up her equipment, scanning the artifact for energy emissions. “Dios mios, it’s definitely emitting a pattern,” she said. “There’s a possibility it’s trying to communicate something. I’m recording the pattern.”

“It’s beautiful,” said Ororo. “Mesmerizing, as if placing me in a trance.”

Intrigued by the artifact, Betsy suggests using her telepathic powers to see if she can probe it. Scott, ever the cautious leader, advises against it.

“We don’t know what we’re dealing with,” he warned. “Let’s gather more data before we take any risks like that.”

Hank conducts radiation tests on the artifact, while Kurt and Peter monitor the surrounding environment. Suddenly, the artifact begins to glow brighter, emitting a reality-shattering sound that reverberates through the lunar landscape.

“Something’s happening!” Kurt exclaims, his yellow eyes wide with alarm.

The air around them vibrates, and reality itself seems to fracture. Shards of past, present, and future spin around them, turning everything into a blinding white light.

They find themselves engulfed in a swirling vortex of white light. Their physical bodies seem to dissolve, leaving only their consciousness adrift in this strange new realm.

Betsy, ever attuned to the psyche of others, acts quickly. She reaches out with her telepathy, finding each team member and shielding their minds from the chaotic energies surrounding them.

“We’re not in our reality anymore,” Betsy announced as their bodies slowly reformed. “This is a different dimension, a White Hot environment of pure energy.”

Cecilia and Hank look at the scientific side of things and begin theorizing about their predicament. They discuss the possibility of parallel universes and alternate realities, trying to make sense of their surreal surroundings.

“We’ll find a way back,” Scott said with determination. “We’ve faced impossible odds before and we always come out stronger.”

As the team adjusts to their new reality, a bright orb of energy appears in the distance. Time seems to stop. It pulses with cosmic energy, drawing closer to them with each passing moment.

“It seems…friendly,” Peter notes, his speedster instincts on high alert.

The orb mutates, taking on a humanoid shape made of pure energy. Cosmic tendrils crackle around it, and the air seems to buzz with anticipation.

It seems their journey is far from over. The White Hot realm holds secrets and dangers they have yet to uncover.

To be continued…

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