September 21, 2024


Celebrating X-Men Films And Beyond

Success of X-MEN brand depends on more than just movie marketing.


The immensely popular X-Men film franchise has released eight films (including DEADPOOL) to mostly positive reception amongst theater goers and critics alike, and it doesn’t seem to be stopping anytime soon! This May will see the release of X-MEN: APOCALYPSE, Bryan Singer’s fourth directorial entry into the ever-growing mutant universe. After that, the train won’t slow down anytime soon with WOLVERINE, GAMBIT and other exciting projects in the pipeline.

Why are the X-Men so prevalent amongst the public? Most likely due to its central theme of outsiders taking a stand to fight for what they believe in. Something many people in general are passionate about. The characters are relatable and there’s much more to their story than saving the world from major threats.

Before, it was suspected that the film franchise had experienced its peak in 2003 with the release of X2: X-Men United, after X-Men: The Last Stand didnā€™t go so well with critics. But things have since improved with new direction and incorporation of comic book elements, leading to the achievements of the latest in the movie series: ā€˜Deadpoolā€™ as a 2016 blockbuster, domestically earning (as of this posting) $335.1 million and $714.3 million worldwide.

Because the movie earnings seem to correlate with comic book sales, it has been speculated that this is the year that Marvel Comics will experience the highest level in sales thus far. However, movies arenā€™t the only way to revert attention back to the original media source, the comic book.

In the past, print and broadcast media were enough to sustain the success of a franchise. Besides theĀ films, the X-Men brand has spread itself across multiple platforms for various demographics. This includes, obviously, the popular Marvel comics where it originated, television shows, clothing and even accessories. Of course there are many X-Men games as well, for kids and also for adults. In Slotsheaven for example there are online slots with X-MEN theme, which you can play and even get some money while enjoying the game.

With the current success of online gaming, the brand continues to find new ways to remain relevant, while drawing in fans young and old alike. By broadening the market, revenue earned from comic franchises will continue to rise. It is said that there are equal numbers of men and women that play online games, which presents itself as an opportunity for increased female interest in the comic books series and overall property, including films.